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Ongoing Classes:


Private classes:


1 person        40$

2 persons      30$ each

3 persons      25$ each

90 minute traditional hatha yoga class of which 60 minutes is asana practice, 15-20 minutes guided relaxation or yoga nidra, 5-10 minutes breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation practice. 



90 minute ayurvedic yoga class. After finding out your dosha prakriti (your constitution that you were born with) and your dosha vikruti (your actual state) you'll get a personalized practice to balance the elements, therefore the senses and come back to your natural state. Class includes mantra, mudra, kriya, asana, guided relaxation, pranayama and meditation practice.


Classes can be held at a private studio in North Toronto (Weston/401) or in the comfort of your home for 10$ extra.


Hatha yoga refers to a set of physical exercises (asanas) designed to align the muscles and bones and open the many energy channels of the body, especially the spine, so that energy can flow freely. Hatha yoga is intended to create a balance of strength and flexibility in the body as well as a balance of effort and surrender in each asana. A powerful tool for self-transformation, Hatha yoga requires that one pay special attention to the breath, which helps calm the fluctuations of the mind. This allows the practitioner to become more present in the unfolding of each moment, resulting in more awareness and relaxation.

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